COVID found and found a home in me. Before the end of the quarantine period, a cerebral infarction and left paralysis occurred almost like a lightning strike. After many months of returning home from being in the hospital, I felt I had lost the security that the medical presence provided during my stay inside. I want as many people as possible to be in their homes and always report security to their owner.
Due to the COVID epidemic, we have been locked up for months, towards the end of February watching TV on a Saturday night was fun. it also went up from the usual 60 below to 116.The colors followed one another: Ekg red, Pf red, Kh green.Aarrhythmia examination: Suspicion of atrial fibrillation arises.
"I invested the price of WIWE in what is most valuable to my health." Searching the net, I found WIWE. There was a bit of uncertainty in me, as I had an ECG scan a million times, a big machine, a lot of paws, who handled it, obviously had to understand it ... This little device and here is a thicker business card .... cardiologists are behind the development of the device. I called my girlfriend, who had a double heart surgery to see if she had heard of WIWE, and said that of course, there are more at the company, the managerial pace doesn’t have a very good effect on the heart - and they use it. I called my little cardiologist-GP, I didn’t even say all along that I would ask for your opinion because I wanted to buy a WIWE, I just wanted to explain what results I could give him to get closer to the solution when he intervened to know the device and very good idea!
This was confirmed by the COVID epidemic, when due to the practicality of the device, the whole family was tested continuously for the three generations due to the capabilities of the device.
One day without any transition, I felt that when I went upstairs to our apartment, I felt my heart jump out of place.
You can read the story of one of our dear user:
At the time of my admission to the hospital, after informing the doctor about the use of wiwe, he asked me to show it, so the additional information on the outpatient card was that I saw VESs on a wiwe device under complaint, but there was also PF too'
At the end of 2019 I went for a complex-cardiological-examination where I was diagnosed with incipient left ventricular hypertrophy caused by hypertension that's when I started using WIWE.
Several heart problems have been identified with WIWE.
You can read the story of one of our dear user:
You can read the story of one of our dear user:
In my experience, I also bought another device for my daughter, who is young but sometimes has chest pains due to her stressful lifestyle.
I had been reading about WIWE on the internet for quite a few years now and I had already decided that I would get it too. The goal was to test on our own and on the other hand family members so that we could detect problems with it at an early age. Since my arrhythmias came up again 2 years ago, I bought the Wiwe device.
I find this little device very good. We have avoided strokes with it at least 2 times in the last year. If we had not have wiwe, we would not have noticed atrial fibrillation as there were no symptoms (pain, shortness of breath, etc.). Today, I think for sure that the stroke of 1.5 years ago was also caused by such insidious atrial fibrillation, which could have recurred without wiwe.
I couldn’t “catch” for 2 years by the time I got to the doctor, my normal rhythm was back, or I was home alone and I couldn’t solve it.
You can read Peter's story:
By the end of the hike the water had spilled out of my body and I felt tired. The next day we went on to the island of Krk. Here, too, were the symptoms. Fortunately, I took the WIWE device with me. Deterrent results came.

I bought it for my husband as a Christmas present because of the disturbing heart rate. Although he received an ECG device for home use from a friendly internist, I had to treat it in a completely lay way.
There were also those who known from me that they should at least visit their GP. I also emailed the results to whoever asked for it.
I bought WIWE primarily for my elderly parents (78 and 76 years old) because they were burdened with many diseases. I thought it was good to know what was going on.
Every week there is a "measurement day" on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, which is already highly anticipated.
The next day I also showed it at my workplace. It was a great success and I helped three of my companions to order.
I visited my GP with my findings and WIWE showed him too. Of course I had to order him too.
I only went to the doctor on Monday because I ran out of Aspirin - and I just asked the deputy doctor by the way (he wouldn’t do an ECG) - well, he said. Then the recipe was pressed into my hand and I was already holding the handle when it said I'd sit down for a while. They looked at me for a long time and then I got a handful of medicine and they said I wouldn’t get up from here.
Well from then on I was really lucky - in fact 48 hours later a piece of my heart died and your duty doctor said loosely - I swallowed my back wall infarction well and it was even a little funny that, I could even go home now - because I'm very good at it, i just came now and i'm already over it hard.
You could read here László's story:
When I first tried it I was just amazed, but immediately after the measurement I knew yes I need it.
Wonderful little device! It is so versatile that it is almost impossible to present in a few sentences.
Summarizing what I’ve said, I’m not going anywhere without it anymore, I’m taking it everywhere with me in my little handbag, it gives me a sense of security, it reassures me that I can get constant feedback on my condition.
I regularly share the above results (via email, which is extremely easy to use) with my treating physician, who, he admits, is a great help in monitoring my status change between the two exams.

You could read John's story:
I began to feel my heart beating fast, irregularly. Unfortunately, I turned to hospital cardiology to kindly put a holter ECG on my part. Unfortunately I worked in vain for 4o years at that hospital due to the pandemic this was not allowed. Then I met your device in a private practice.
After a series of very severe malaise, I printed out 3-4 WIWE measurements and used to visit the former specialist again. Well this is clearly atrial fibrillation! How did you do this ECG? I said WIWE and of course I did NOT remember what you said 2 months ago!
He immediately started treatment with a blood thinner.
Then at the end of August I had enough, we have to go to the end of this thing. I would have asked for a referral to cardiology. I received a referral, no date. Not even the phone worked. Then I tried to log in by email, the doctor canceled the examination at the last minute. I was looking for a private clinic. It was posted on their website that the order was suspended. Eventually I managed to get an appointment at a new clinic and I got to the cardiologist.
I took all my previous finds, and of course WIWE and its previous measurements.
Today, I look at (and use) the device with greater respect.
I recommend it to anyone who uses it to take the signals seriously.
Since we have had a kind of tradition of measuring acquaintances and relatives coming to visit. First questions: How are you? Are we doing an ECG?
You can read the story of Agnes:
You can read the story of Lászlóné Lukácsi:
A colleague from WIWE presented the results of the measurement in a short analysis: it was informative, interesting and concise. It indicated that the device had detected a problem and that there was a suspicion of ventricular conduction disturbance that would be worth investigating.
You can read the story of Béla:
It is unfortunate that so many doctors and nurses don’t know anything about the device, let alone civilians with similar problems. I believe such stories can bring this wonderful invention closer to the people.

You can read the story of Szilvia:
If I had a WIWE device then! I could have proven my symptoms.
Last Easter was a huge help in my treatment. Due to an ear problem, I received an infusion treatment in the hospital that I really could not have received because of my heart.
At first I looked at the device with doubt, why this, I go to the cardiologists for enough control, even this Lujzi was missing only for me. I, as an experienced male man, gave up after some growls, the fish also gets tired of being dragged to where it swims.
I highly recommend WIWE to everyone because in today’s health situation, every household should have at least one device.
The doctor remarked softly. I am 38 years old, I came just in time to keep my heart healthy with a lifestyle change.
My doctor then showed me the Wiwe device and told me to be with me for a few months so that if I felt an arrhythmia again we could detect it.
My doctor welcomed me with taking the saved data as a result, and after a thorough examination, I had an ablation on July 22, 2019.
He said that if we hadn't measured, he would have had a heart attack.
You can read the story of Ákos:

You can read the story of our dear user:
I’ve been struggling with heart problems since I was a kid, keys don’t lock perfectly. My blood pressure was maintained with medication.
Of course I had the WIWE, it recorded atrial fibrillation.
You can read the story of a Dear User:
It felt very good. that I could help someone with my Wiwe.
WIWE helps me with that. I use it every day, in different life situations.
You can read Béla's story:
Several bought the WIWE device on my advice. If it went bankrupt I would buy it the same way.
You can read the story of Elizabeth:
You can read the story of one of our dear user:
Thank you, WIWE, on behalf of my wife and four kids for this „accidentally” developed device that has saved my life.

Actress, opera singer
„I love performing on stage, and I want to keep doing it for a long time to come. When I heard about WIWE, I bought 4 of it for my family!“

"I had ordered WIWE and within a few days it managed to "catch" symptoms of a certain problem at home. I’m just over a catheter ablation. WIWE's diagnosis was 100% confirmed!"

49 years young mom, Hungary's Heart Runner Ambassador
"This tiny device is like my pacemaker - always with me, lives with me"

"A wiwe készüléket 2015-óta alkalmazom a búvárorvosi alkalmassági vizsgálatok alatt. Én, mint búvárorvos szakmailag megbízhatónak és tökéletesen alkalmasnak tartom arra, hogy egy olyan koránt sem veszélytelen rekreációs sportág esetében, mint a búvárkodás, kiszűrje a szív egészségével kapcsolatos problémákat, eltéréseket."

A wiwe jelezte a pitvarfibrillációt a kórházban fekvő apámnál, megmutattuk az orvosának, aki egy EKG vizsgálattal azonnal meg is erősítette. Ha nincs ez az eszköz, lehet, hogy ki sem derül.
Mondom úgy, hogy jópár applikáció fejlesztésében részt vettem és aktív felhasználója is vagyok napi szinten 1-2 tracking és mhealth alkalmazásnak. A WIWE megjelenése innovatív: kis méret, könnyű, elegáns kialakítás és felület.

Egy krónikus betegség miatt a szívizmom sérült, így gyakran tapasztalok mellkasi fájdalmat, palpitációt, légszomjam van és ezek időnként éjszaka jelentkeznek.

A főpróba a november második felében zajlott Balaton Maratonon történt, ahol egyesületünk tagjai minden évben nagy létszámmal vesznek részt. A résztvevők és kísérők ellenőrzése történt meg, sorban egymás után (kb.40 fő) Egyik idősebb tagunknál (63 éves) jelzett pirosat a készülék, a másnapi kontrollvizsgálatnál azonban már két zöld, egy narancssárga jelzés jelent meg ugyanennél a férfinál. Ő egyébként jelezte is, hogy szed valamilyen gyógyszert rendszeresen.