"I had an acquaintance who, if he had such a device, would still be alive today."


I have had a problem with my heart for years. Arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation, arrhythmia. For this reason, I go for regular treatment check-ups to this day. My ablation heart surgery failed, I was resuscitated. My dear chief physician borrowed the WIWE device, which was then given to the hospital for testing. I got it first. I bought the device to constantly feel safe and help someone else. I use it regularly, at check-ups the doctor looks at the data stored on the device which can be accurately viewed. Based on this, it makes sure that the heart is working, gives you further instructions on how to administer the right medicine for a further lifestyle. I had an acquaintance who would have lived in such a device. Several people bought the WIWE device on my advice. If it went bankrupt I would buy it the same way. Thanks to its creator and distributor.


Sincerely, Lászlóné Gaál retired teacher
