"I went to a cardiology examination every six months, the doc always said that until the middle hoop turns red, don't worry."

 "Me and WIWE"     8 years ago, my then boss decided I had had enough of me and was retired after 43 years of employment. My health has developed so that I have been well maintained since I was 35, but I have developed high blood pressure. I played sports all my life, I was also a certified athlete during my college years. I paid attention to myself, I didn't let myself go even after retiring. Then about 2 years ago the first green turned mostly yellow, the QRS value rarely went below 100. I went to a cardiology examination every six months, the doc always said that until the middle hoop turns red, don’t worry. Due to the COVID epidemic, we have been locked up for months, towards the end of February watching TV on a Saturday night was fun. It went up from the usual 60 below to 116. The colors followed each other: Ekg red, Pf red, Kh green. Needless to say, I became nervous. I have a pandemic, medical care is chaotic. I was not happy with the end result, but yes, the event did not go undiscovered, and not a post-stroke investigation revealed the root cause. So I hope that with medication, but maybe I will have a few more years and can raise my little girl. Clicking on the end, on March 11, -3 weeks after starting blood thinning, they were vaccinated with Astra Zeneca vaccine.         "Master"
