"Your device has already indicated that it will be in trouble two months before. We didn't take it seriously enough."

Dear WIWE!


We bought the device (for more than two years) because I have been living with atrial fibrillation for years. We've had the device for a year now, and we've used it regularly. Sometimes I also persuaded my wife to take a measurement. In the case of the values ​​measured in the spring of 2019, the KH value indicated yellow and often red. I asked my wife to examine herself, but she refused to say such a small structure the doctor would not consider anyway. The hospital 12-lead ECG showed no abnormality. Then on the night of July 7, he woke up feeling very unwell. I called an ambulance and it turned out that my wife had a severe heart attack. He spent nearly two months in hospital because of the heart attack and the complications that followed.

Your device has already indicated that it will be in trouble two months before. We didn't take it seriously enough. It was a consequence. If we took the signals from the device seriously, a severe heart attack could have been prevented.

Today, I look at (and use) the device with greater respect.

I recommend it to anyone who uses it to take the signals seriously.



Yours sincerely, János K.
